Business Labor Law

Business Labor Law

Labor law as a fundamental right of the human being is the discipline of the labor relations which are established at work (worker) and capital (employer). In this labor relationship, the parties are obliged to act in good faith adapting their behavior to what is proper to a good employer and to a good employee. This harmony, which must prevail in an employment relationship, will be successful as long as the company has the counseling of a good and experienced labor specialist which will result in the lack of individual and collective disputes.

To avoid individual or collective disputes in a company, the best option is to have the counseling of an experienced specialist in labor law. Our firm advises companies with the purpose of not having labor conflicts at them, which results in a greater productivity on their employees and also an improvement in the work environment and organizational culture.

At Francisco Ortega & Asociados our team offers innovative solutions to the multiple labor situations that can arise at a company. Our experience is ample in labor law area. We work closely with our clients to provide them fast and efficient advice including drafting and preparation of employment and professional services contracts, collective agreements or negotiations, administrative procedures and labor litigation.

What do we offer or help you solve?

» Preparation of employment and professional services contracts according to the client´s requirements.

» Complete, integral, and permanent Labor Counseling.

» Support on labor court proceedings.

» We advise on labor- administrative proceedings before the Nicaraguan Ministry of Labor.

» Atendemos Inspecciones laborales y de seguridad social.

» Complete counseling in individual or collective conciliation process and guarantees.

» Collective agreements negotiation.

» Occupational health and safety.

» Drafting of Internal Regulations and Occupational Health and Safety regulations.

» Training in labor matters for both employees and employers.

Do you have any questions?

We advise you on every detail of your case.